
Do all things exist only because it is all being observed? 


this is a video on youtube that really gets the point across of what I'm talking about:


--New Question: Is everything connected?


Everything in the universe is energy and everything is vibrating.

All matter has a wavelenght and gives off vibrations

Are we connected through energy?


Dr. Masaru Emoto did an experiment taking water and writing words on the bottle and freezing them. He then looked at the crystals of the water under a microscope. The crystals of the water reflected what was writen on the bottle. (this is from a movie but has an interview with Masaru Emoto) (this is a video showing the effects on the water crystals, this is all real)


Thought is also energy, Scientist can read brainwaves without anything connected to the head or body.

If thought can effect water, doesn't that mean that thought can effect us and everything else?

Are we connected through thought?