Shinto: Beliefs

Shinto beliefs:

    Shinto creation stories tell of the history and lives of the "Kami" (deities). Among them was a couple, Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto. Their children became the deities of the various Japanese clans.
    The Kami are the Shinto deities. The word "Kami" is generally translated "god" or "gods.". There are numerous other deities who are conceptualized in many forms:
    1 Those related to natural objects and creatures, from "food to rivers to rocks."
    2 Guardian Kami of particular areas and clans
    3   Exceptional people, including all but the last of the emperors.
    4 Abstract creative forces
  Shinto does not have as fully developed a theology as do most other religions. It does not have its own moral code. Shintoists generally follow the code of Confucianism.
  Their religious texts discuss the "High Plain of Heaven" and the "Dark Land" which is an unclean land of the dead.
  Ancestors are deeply revered and worshipped.
  All of humanity is regarded as "Kami's child.".
  Believers revere "musuhi", the Kamis' creative and harmonizing powers. They aspire to have "makoto", sincerity or true heart.
  Morality is based upon that which is of benefit to the group. "Shinto emphasizes right practice, sensibility, and attitude."
  There are "Four Affirmations"in Shinto:
  1. Tradition and the family: The family is seen as the main mechanism by which traditions are preserved. Their main celebrations relate to birth and marriage.
  2. Love of nature: Nature is sacred; to be in contact with nature is to be close to the Gods. Natural objects are worshipped as sacred spirits.
  3. Physical cleanliness: Followers of Shinto take baths, wash their hands, and rinse out their mouth often.
  4. "Matsuri": The worship and honor given to the Kami and ancestral spirits.




Shinto. Robinson A. B. 24 Nov. 1995. Religous tolerance. 19 Sep. 2008 <>.


Shinto. Wikipedia. 12 Sep. 2008. Wikipedia. 19 Sep. 2008



Shinto (Japanese, "Way of the Gods"). Stoecklein David. none given. Allstock inc.. 19 Sep. 2008 <>.

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